Christian Businesses
Help build Christian economy by supporting Christian businesses first! Check this list for believers who can fill your needs. If you own a Christian business, contact us and we will list it below for free.
Roman Ropp
Tree Trimming and Timber Cutting
Mid-Willamette Valley Oregon
Evergreen Gallery
Fine art sales, restoration repair and framing.
6300 S. Main Street
Downers Grove Illinois 60516
630 969 4170 Mike Sall (Owner)
Hours Mon, Wed, Fri 11-5 Sat 11-4
Christian Fellowships
Looking for a Christian fellowship or church in your area? Check this list. If you find one, contact them through the provided information. It's best if you can provide commendations as well. If you're an assembly who would like to be listed here, contact us and we will list you for free.
NOTE: We at KRO may not necessarily agree with the tenets and doctrines of the assemblies below. It is up to the individual to be a Berean and employ prayerful discernment.
Tomah Christian Assembly, Tomah WI
Christian America Ministries, Amite LA
America's Promise Ministries, Sandpoint ID
Heritage Congregation, Dufur, OR
Christian Assembly in Lebanon, Lebanon, OR
Ohio Valley Called of Christ, Marietta OH
WWW. Renewedcovenantministry.com